One of the great parts about photography is getting to connect with other photographers. We chit chat, share tips, talk about whatever we are viewing and more. It can be a fun, social experience and almost all are courteous – almost all.

Every now and then you have someone that just doesn’t get it. Such was the case yesterday morning. I had found a nice viewing angle for some Moose when this guy walks up and sets up 10 feet directly in front of me totally blocking my angle. I said, “excuse me” and he looked back and then just kept on shooting.

There is certainly some etiquette out there and clearly this includes not blocking someone else’s shot, especially when they were there first. Thankfully these types of folks are few and far between out there in the field and in the end I did get some pretty cool images and didn’t let his rudeness ruin the day.

Blocked view. A photographer steps in the way rather than being courteous.   (© Tony’s Takes)
Blocked view. A photographer steps in the way rather than being courteous. (© Tony’s Takes)

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