I’ve got my eye on you
While this Bald Eagle had its back turned to me, it kept close tabs on me and was well aware of my presence. Image taken this past Saturday at Cherry…
While this Bald Eagle had its back turned to me, it kept close tabs on me and was well aware of my presence. Image taken this past Saturday at Cherry…
One of the few decent shots of Bald Eagles I got today. Went to Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado where lots have been seen lately. Unfortunately with our recent cold…
Taken at St Vrain State Park in northern Colorado, two Bald Eagles were keeping watch as the sun rose last weekend.
Even eagles have to itch! Well, either that or this guy was giving me a bit of a "middle finger salute" - you decide which. ;-)
A very brave – or very dumb – squirrel in northern Colorado this past Saturday. ;-) This male bald eagle seemed quite amazed that a squirrel would dare to come…
A female Bald Eagle appears to be giving her mate quite an earful yesterday in Longmont, Colorado.