Photos capture extraordinary acrobatics by juvenile Bald Eagle

Between taking turns diving at fish in a suburban pond, two juvenile Bald Eagles participated in some amazing aerial playtime Sunday. For several minutes I was privileged enough to watch the pair perform a ballet in the sky as they chased each other.

When I got home and processed my images I was excited to see that I captured an extraordinary sequence that comprised less than two seconds.

In it, one juvenile comes in fast and banks hard to maneuver in above and behind its playmate. As it does, the lower eagle actually rolls over in mid-air, turning its back to the ground and talons into the air to face the challenger. The eagle coming from above decides to abort its attacking maneuver and the lower eagle easily rotates back into a normal flying orientation.

The action took place toward the sun so shadows were strong and lighting tough for pictures but I am happy to have captured the extraordinary action nevertheless. Images taken near Fort Collins, Colorado.

View each picture in the sequence below.


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