“I’ve got my eye on you!”
A Bald Eagle keeps close watch on the guy with the camera for Freedom Friday. This is the female from the nest I have been watching in recent months. On…
A Bald Eagle keeps close watch on the guy with the camera for Freedom Friday. This is the female from the nest I have been watching in recent months. On…
Having just fed its little one, this female Bald Eagle decided to take a break from the nest and enjoy some solo time nearby. With a bit of a jump…
Being arguably the most regal bird on the face of the planet and the symbol of the greatest nation is no doubt a source of great pride for Bald Eagles.…
Bald Eagles prefer to be at a high point with unobstructed views of their surroundings. This allows them to keep watch on everything around and they feel safe doing this…
A capture from back in March at an open space and pond not too far from where I live. Driving home I see what appears to be a very large…
All was quiet around this Colorado nest this spring as this female and its mate hatched a beautiful young one that is just about to fledge. With the warming temperatures…