Patience finally pays off with at least one Bald Eagle launch shot

This guy (or gal) was wearing me out. I happened across it perched up on a very high utility pole in a suburban park. With a pond right nearby, I figured it wouldn’t be long before it decided to go fishing so I setup and stood at the ready.

Five minutes passed, then 10, then 20, then it was past an hour. The whole time the eagle was quite content to people watch while I was amazed at how many walked right under the eagle and never noticed it was there. Finally it took flight but with wires in the way I only managed this one capture.

From there it simply flew to an adjacent pole and I decided enough was enough and packed it in. Not a great capture and as you can tell, it was kind of hazy and the light was really weird thus not yielding very good images anyway.

Nevertheless, it was fun to spend some time watching it and picture does give a nice view of those “fishing hooks.”

A Bald Eagle takes flight in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle takes flight in Longmont, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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