Beautiful red fox stops to pose in the morning light
An absolutely lucky visit with this gorgeous creature last weekend. I was on my morning photo drive and passing a field when I saw a rather odd shape sitting on…
An absolutely lucky visit with this gorgeous creature last weekend. I was on my morning photo drive and passing a field when I saw a rather odd shape sitting on…
A few more captures from my encounter with this fox a couple weeks ago. It was absolutely gorgeous with its full, winter coat. The contrast of that red fur against…
Finally I have some new fox pictures for Fox Friday! This was certainly a surprise encounter. Driving along a country road northeast of Denver, Colorado, this red fox stood out…
From a couple of months ago… My stakeout at this Fox den failed to yield the much hoped for kits. However, mom did swing by for a bit, checking on…
Like any good sibling, this little one took great joy in pouncing on and tackling its littermate. The light was low on this evening making catching any sort of fast…
Going back to a couple of weeks ago when I spent an evening with this Red Fox family. The little kit had a hard time keeping up with its bigger…