Mama’s ears are pretty tasty

Mama’s ears are pretty tasty

A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom's ears. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom’s ears. (© Tony’s Takes)

What could be more fun than sneaking up behind your mom and nibbling on her ear? 😉  That is exactly what this cute red fox kit a couple nights ago. A tip from a follower of my page (thank you!) led me to this den right near where I live in the midst of suburbia.

On the first night of viewing, I captured this series and some other nice ones of mom and one other kit. On the second night, mom was out and one kit made a very brief appearance. Last night, no one appeared.

It is almost a certainty that the vixen moved the den, something they do to evade potential predators. My time with them was fleeting but it sure was a lot of fun while it lasted and makes for some nice #FoxFriday pics.

A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom's ears. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom’s ears. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom's ears. (© Tony’s Takes)
A fox kit emerges from a den to nibble on its mom’s ears. (© Tony’s Takes)

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