Video slideshow: Top shots 2021 – Owls
Owls hold a special fascination for many and for good reason. Most are nocturnal and professionals at staying hidden during the day so they aren’t easily seen. As a photographer,…
Owls hold a special fascination for many and for good reason. Most are nocturnal and professionals at staying hidden during the day so they aren’t easily seen. As a photographer,…
Yeah, yet another example of the looks I get from wildlife. Not sure why I generate that response so often. ;-) I had a fun encounter with this handsome owl…
Ooh, that light! Near perfect conditions when I photographed this beautiful owl as the sun was just popping over the horizon. The sun’s warmth was spreading as was its light,…
Spotting great horned owls is a challenge but as the leaves have fallen off most of the trees, it gets easier this time of year. This was one smart owl…
Well, I reckon if you had just settled in for your bedtime and someone came and stuck a camera in your face you wouldn’t be too happy either. ;-) My…
A truly extraordinary sighting yesterday while out for a hike. My primary goal was to find owls and having photographed one earlier in the morning, I was looking for more.…