Great horned owl soaks in the morning sun’s warmth

Great horned owl soaks in the morning sun’s warmth
A great horned owl enjoys the warming sun on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

With temperatures below 20 degrees, I really debated whether I was wanting to venture out for a walk looking for owls this past Saturday morning. Despite the chill, I went ahead and while my first spot yielded northing more than cold, numb fingers, the second brought this surprise owl.

I was actually hiking to a different location and glanced over into a stand of trees and spotted this beautiful great horned owl relatively out in the open. It seemed to be relishing the warmth of the sun that was just coming over the horizon and I can’t say I blame it. I know I was happy as well for the sun.

This is a spot I will have to keep an eye on. I have walked by it a hundred times before and always felt like it was prime owl habitat but never had seen one in there until this day.

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