Disappearing into the fog

Disappearing into the fog
Bare trees sit in the fog after a snowstorm in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

This past Sunday morning, we saw some crazy fog in the wake of a snowstorm. It created some cool scenes, like this capture. At its thickest, visibility was down to 20 yards or so and when you did see something, it was little more than a silhouette. The fresh snow and the fog blended together in the distance, with no discernable horizon. I took a ton of pics but this is probably my favorite.

The fog did have a downside in that decent pictures of critters were almost impossible to be had. This was very frustrating because I was seeing all sorts of cool stuff that on a normal day would have made for great pics. But, because of the fog, the pictures were rather poor. At least scenes like this helped make up for it.

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