Moose calf goes for a morning stroll with mom

I spent five days camping in Arapaho National Forest and despite the location and multiple day trips into Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado , the start of day five found me without one picture of a moose. It was a bit frustrating but then on Tuesday I had multiple encounters with these massive mammals.

These are pictures of the first sighting, early in the morning just inside the west entrance to the park. This cute calf and its mother were enjoying a breakfast of grass as they walked through a meadow. I only had a few minutes with them as soon, other tourists arrived and the pair decided they preferred their privacy and moved into the forest.

This was actually the first time I have photographed a moose calf so I was quite ecstatic. I’ll share more pics of the other encounters in the coming days.

A Moose calf keeps close watch on something in the distance. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Moose calf keeps close watch on something in the distance. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Moose cow and its calf graze on tall grass. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Moose cow and its calf graze on tall grass. (© Tony’s Takes)
Something appears to draw the attention of a Moose cow and her calf.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Something appears to draw the attention of a Moose cow and her calf. (© Tony’s Takes)

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