A frosty falcon

On a very cold morning this past January, a thick hoar frost covered the plains northeast of Denver. The seemingly warm, blue skies belied just how cold it was out there; conditions not fit for man or beast you might say.

Normally very active raptors, this little Prairie Falcon didn’t seem too keen to take to the skies in the cold. In fact, it was perfectly willing to pose for me as it sat perched on a frost-covered pole.

These cool raptors can be found flying low to the ground searching for prey. They are extraordinarily maneuverable and very difficult to catch pics of in-flight although I have on occasion had some good luck. Prairie Falcons are not particular about their diet and will feed on smaller birds including larks, swallows and doves and will also feed on rodents including squirrels.

A frosty falcon
A Prairie Falcon hangs out on a frost-covered pole northeast of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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