A gentle face

Soft eyes, fuzzy fur and a face anyone could love. This American Bison calf was nothing short of adorable in my opinion.

While the rest of the herd was busy grazing, this young one seemed more interested in the guy with the camera in front of his face. It walked to within about 20 feet and just stood there, gazing intently as if to purposely pose. The bison was born this past spring and while it has grown considerably, it has a long ways to go to catch up in size to the adults.

These massive animals were hunted to the brink of extinction in the 1700s and 1800s with as few as 750 reported by 1890. Their numbers have since rebounded with about 500,000 now living on public and private lands.

Taken at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado.

An American Bison calf looking very cute. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Bison calf looking very cute. (© Tony’s Takes)

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