A trio of young ones for National Bald Eagle Day

A trio of young ones for National Bald Eagle Day
Three young bald eagles hang out at the nest. (© Tony’s Takes)

This was a first for me – three young eagles getting close to fledging. I have photographed nests with two, most often with only one. To have three survive to this stage is somewhat rare and a real treat to see.

This nest is a good ways away from me so I don’t visit it regularly but lacking any better ideas for my Sunday outing, I checked it out. It was slightly breezy which made for prime conditions for the trio to test out their wings and all did but they aren’t quite ready to fledge yet. One did catch some air while hopping up and down flapping which was fun to see although it seemed kind of surprised at its success.

National Bald Eagle Day is every June 20th and set aside to not only honor our national emblem, but also to raise awareness about the need to continue to protect these majestic animals. While they have made an amazing recovery thanks to conservation, there is still work to be done to ensure their continued survival.

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