A very noisy neighbor in the campground

Soon after setting up our first campsite in Jasper National Park, I began hearing this very odd sound – almost like a screeching. Not quite like a bird but also not anything I had heard before. Keeping watch I finally found the culprit – a Colombian Ground Squirrel. They were usually quiet but sometimes, for whatever reason, they could raise quite a ruckus.

They are common in the northern Rocky Mountains and in the coldest parts of their reach, they hibernate the majority of the year. You can read more about them here.

A Colombian Ground Squirrel makes a lot of noise in Whistler's Campground in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Colombian Ground Squirrel makes a lot of noise in Whistler’s Campground in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. (© Tony’s Takes)

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