American kestrel saves the photo day
A male American kestrel takes a flight across the Colorado skies. (© Tony’s Takes)

Some days out taking pictures just don’t turn out as planned.

This past Sunday I headed to the northern Colorado Front Range, certain I was going to have a great day with bald eagles. After over 100 miles driven I had seen a total of two eagles, none of which were close enough for pics.

Frustrated, I worked my way home, hoping to find something – anything – to take a picture of. Just a few miles east of home, I see this male American kestrel hovering over a field, ready to drop on some unsuspecting prey.

As skittish as these little falcons are, I didn’t have much hope but I stopped anyway. Much to my pleasure (and relief), he flew up and landed on a pole right by me. Three times he would go out and hunt the field, returning to the pole each time.

This allowed me to get some pretty cool shots, including this one as he returned to the pole. He looked absolutely handsome and the blue from behind the clouds really helps make the image pop. A reminder to never give up a

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