Knock, knock

Knock, knock. “Anyone home? I just wanted to say hello. Honestly!”  😉

My wife and I sat and watched this Coyote as it alternated between sitting and almost falling asleep to prowling the rodents’ colony and back to resting.

Unfortunately, as you can tell, the Coyote does look a bit rough and is likely suffering from mange. Many of them at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal have gone through this, although the last couple of years it seemed to be much worse than what this one was showing. Hopefully the disease is nearing the end of its run and the local Coyote populations can become healthier.

A Coyote sticks its nose in a Prairie Dog burrow looking for a meal.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote sticks its nose in a Prairie Dog burrow looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)

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