I don’t normally take pictures of ‘little birds’ as they are usually so skittish and I just don’t have the patience to try to get close. However, every now and then one makes itself readily available for my camera and such was the case with this Robin.

It hopped down to the lake’s edge, waded in, and took a quick bath. I didn’t get an image of it as it dunked its head in the water as that happened so darned fast. However, I did manage a few nice pics of it including one with water drops flying in the air.

These common birds live year-round in the contiguous United States and are oftentimes found foraging on the ground for a meal.

An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
An American Robin plays in the waters of a lake. (© Tony’s Takes)

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