Bald Eagle brings home sushi for breakfast

After sitting stubbornly for two hours during which the photographer grew more and more bored (haha), this female finally decided it was time for action. She headed off to a nearby pond, snagged a fish from it, and then was kind enough to fly right by me showcasing her meal.

This raptor is one of a pair of eagles that has been hanging out at a local state park and has given me some nice photo ops over the past few weekends. They do appear to be a mated pair however, there is no nest nearby and if there were, they would certainly be hanging out there. I have to assume they were simply unsuccessful at mating this year so are spending their time hanging out in the park.

A female Bald Eagle returns to her roost with a fish firmly in her talons. (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Bald Eagle returns to her roost with a fish firmly in her talons. (© Tony’s Takes)

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