Bald Eagle makes an aggressive departure for Freedom Friday

Bald Eagle makes an aggressive departure for Freedom Friday

A Bald Eagle extends its wings forward, grabbing at the air as it takes flight. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle extends its wings forward, grabbing at the air as it takes flight. (© Tony’s Takes)

Certainly I take tons of pics of these awesome birds but I am really liking this capture. Taken last month, this particular eagle has proven to be quite tolerant of my intrusions on its hunting grounds. It ignores me when I am around, simply keeping watch and waiting for an opportunity to grab a meal as if I wasn’t there.

On this day, it gave me tons of cool poses then became bored and decided it was time to seek out a new perch. As it departed, its massive wings grabbed at the air, sending it onward at breakneck speed. This shot, with its wings forward and lit by the morning sun, came out quite nice I think.

I have one more of my 2019 Bald Eagle calendars on hand and ready to ship immediately. Should I run out, I can always order more.  Order one here.

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