This female is from a mated pair in the area of Longmont, Colorado that I have been visiting recently. Last Saturday, soon after the sun rose, they weren’t too inclined to hang out and pose but she did give me a nice series as she took flight. This image does a nice job showcasing her impressive 6 foot wingspan and gives a good look at those deadly talons.
Bald Eagles are believed to have a grasp capable of exerting an astonishing 400psi. By comparison, the average human’s hand comes in around 20psi. Needless to say, when an eagle latches on to a rabbit, prairie dog or fish, the prey isn’t very likely to get away.
I’ll be avoiding the BlackFriday crowds and instead opting to try to spend some time with some of these majestic creatures today. That should be much more fun and much less stressful! 😉 For those of you in Colorado, all Colorado State Parks are offering free admission today so maybe take advantage of that and do your shopping online, perhaps at