Flipping through pictures last night, I came across this absolute gem I haven’t shared yet. Taken back in mid-January, I was on my way home from work and came across this beautiful lady and her mate. Perched on power poles along the South Platte River, it wasn’t a great scene but it was relatively warm and I had the time so I hiked in to have a look.
She was getting kind of antsy so I had a feeling she was going to leave and she did. But I have learned to wait when they do. Oftentimes they come back and while she went up the river a ways, sure enough, she did. Her eyes were focused on the river, apparently scouting for a meal. In doing so, she flew right at me giving me a great look at her as she looked below.
My friend, Patrick, laments the solid blue skies we oftentimes see here in Colorado as they don’t make for good backgrounds of birds in flight. I don’t disagree and on this shot, you can see how a few, distant clouds can really add to an image. This is a capture I really love.