With Mom trying to lead her new family to water, her little ones were trying to figure out how to navigate their way across some very large rocks. It took them some time but in the end they were all successful. This is a good reminder for humans too – the obstacle in your life might be bigger than you but that doesn’t mean you can’t handle it with some perseverance!

Canada Geese are not something I normally photograph – they are very common here and their numbers (and poop) can be overwhelming. However, when their goslings come along, I can’t help but snap pictures of the cute little ones.

My willingness to take pictures of them was also aided by the cruddy, dark weather this weekend which made shooting my other, more ‘high power’ subjects difficult. This little one was Taken at St Vrain State Park, Colorado.

Big step for a little gosling
A gosling works to navigate some very large rocks. (© Tony’s Takes)

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