Bison bull gets down and dirty

Bison bull gets down and dirty

A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)

It isn’t often you get to see a one ton creature roll around on the ground like a dog does to scratch its back but that is what this big guy was doing.

A couple weeks ago he was working on getting rid of the remnants of his winter coat and had found a patch of dirt that he felt would do the trick. It seems like kind of an odd thing for such a massive creature to do but it isn’t uncommon at all and very fun to watch.

While it may have worked to get off some of its fur, it did make him a dusty mess though. 😉

A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bison bull rolls in the dirt to try to rid itself of its winter coat. (© Tony’s Takes)

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