Bison calf takes a break for Tatanka Tuesday

Bison calf takes a break for Tatanka Tuesday
A bison calf lies down in the grass. (© Tony’s Takes)

Everyone say, “Awww!” ?

Such a cute little one no more than a couple of weeks old. It was doing its best to keep up with the herd but finally it decided it had enough and plopped down to take a break. Mom stopped as well to keep watch on the little one but it wasn’t long before she grunted at her offspring and off they went.

Bison calves are called “red dogs.” There is no definitive answer as to where that comes from but it is believed they got the name simply because of their color when they are very young.

They weigh only 30 to 70 pounds when born but will grow quickly. Full-grown bulls can weigh up to 2,000 pounds while the cows can get to 1,000 pounds.

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