Bison herd on the move on the snow-covered Great Plains

Bison herd on the move on the snow-covered Great Plains

A bison herd on the move through fresh snow with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bison herd on the move through fresh snow with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. (© Tony’s Takes)

Ah, yes, this is Colorado and a great image for Tatanka Tuesday!

A fresh blanket of snow, the bison herd tromping through the fresh white stuff and those gorgeous Rocky Mountains in the background. I love being able to see scenes like this!

The previous day saw a decent little snowstorm move through and in its wake, we experienced a gorgeous – but cold – day on the Front Range. The herd was moving to new grazing grounds and the bright white snow really helped to light up their brown, winter coats

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