Black bear cub gives the side eye

Black bear cub gives the side eye
A black bear cub gives a cautious look. (© Tony’s Takes)

One for #ThrowbackThursday to July 2021 on our most recent visit to Yellowstone National Park. We are beginning to map out our summer plans for 2024 and that will include a return to this amazing place. That got me thinking about some of the pics from our last trip that I never shared, including this one.

This cutie’s mom was grazing in a meadow, enjoying a mild summer day. We were unaware she had a cub until it scrambled down a tree and ran up to see what mom was doing. While it waited for mom to finish her snack, it stood up, watching us but more so a massive bison bull that was approaching.

The look it gave was so darned cute! It was fascinating to watch the interaction between the species with the bison unphased by the bears and the bears well-aware and wary of the big boy’s presence. Soon, mama decided it was better to retreat and her and the cub headed off into the forest.

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