Black Bear cub steals the show

Spending time taking pictures of bears is an absolute thrill to say the least. Getting pictures of one of the cubs though has its share of, “Awww, how cute!” moments. Such was the case with this little one. It was following it’s mom as she worked her way down Waterton Canyon, Colorado and across the South Platte River.

Black Bear cub steals the show
A Black Bear cub works its way down a rocky slope southwest of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Black Bear cub crosses a road southwest of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Black Bear cub crosses a road southwest of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
After crossing the river, the cub looked a bit overwhelmed. (© Tony’s Takes)
After crossing the river, the cub looked a bit overwhelmed. (© Tony’s Takes)

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