Break left! Burrowing owl shows off it Top Gun moves.

Break left! Burrowing owl shows off it Top Gun moves

A burrowing owl breaks hard left while in flight. (© Tony's Takes)
A burrowing owl breaks hard left while in flight. (© Tony’s Takes)

Catching pictures of these little guys in flight is always a challenge and one that I rarely succeed at. They usually stick close to the ground making it hard to pick them out of the ground cover.

As I observed this one last weekend, much to my surprise, it launched into the air right at me and up high. I resorted to the “spray and pray” method of taking pictures – just pointing the camera at the subject and squeezing the shutter hoping to get something. It isn’t an elegant way of taking pictures nor is there planning involved. Luck is probably the biggest factor.

This time it panned out and I got a nice little sequence of it as it made a hard left in the air.

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