Brown bear stays focused on the fish

Brown bear stays focused on the fish
A brown bear charges toward some salmon in Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)

Charge! My mind has been wandering to our 49th state and my trip up there a year-and-a-half ago. It was an amazing excursion punctuated by time spent in Katmai National Park and Preserve observing these massive creatures.

Out of a couple dozen bears we saw that day, this one proved to be the one I photographed the most. It was certainly one of the larger ones and that dark, brown fur made it look somewhat menacing. However, it wasn’t a particularly great fisherman which meant we were able to watch it charge after the salmon multiple times, usually coming up empty-clawed.

Here you see it charge through the river’s waters toward a #salmon that you can see just in front of the bear. It missed its target (again) on this attempt but at least I got some nice pics. 😉

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