Bull Moose closes the trail. Imposing

Imposing. Intimidating. Impressive. Three good “I” words to describe this monstrous bull Moose.

Out for a hike with my wife at dawn at Brainard Lake Recreation Area back in September, we came across this big fella and two of his buddies. After spending the better part of an hour observing and taking pictures, we were ready to head back to camp and get some warm coffee and food in us.

As we started to get ready to leave, the biggest of the trio walked up the embankment, onto the trail and stood there motionless while looking at us. It was as if he was letting us know that he wasn’t ready for the photo session to be over.

I of course obliged and snapped even more pictures – not that I really had any choice since the bull was blocking our way out. 😉 After several minutes it finally decided it had enough and moved so we could be on our way.

A bull Moose stops traffic on a trail at Brainard Lake Recreation Area in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull Moose stops traffic on a trail at Brainard Lake Recreation Area in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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