Bull moose takes a big whiff while looking for love

Bull moose takes a big whiff while looking for love

A bull moose takes a big whiff of the air as he looks for a mate. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull moose takes a big whiff of the air as he looks for a mate. (© Tony’s Takes)

I haven’t done #MooseMonday in a while so…

With its antlers freshly clean of the velvet, this big guy was anxious and ready and willing – but lacking a suitable target for his love. Something though got the attention of his nose and he was taking a serious smell of the air.

This is called the flehmen response. Many mammals will do this, curling their lips, raising their head and inhaling deeply allowing them to get a better sampling of a particular smell that interests them – kind of like a human taking a big whiff to smell something.

Taken last September in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado.

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