With Saturday being the only decent morning weather-wise, there was no doubt where I would head for my photo outing. Arriving at my favorite bald eagle nest, I saw one of the adults across the river and the other adult was nowhere to be found.
The nest as well looked quiet for a while. Then, the dark head of junior (sorry, haven’t come up with a name for the eaglet yet) popped up and looked around. Soon, dad arrived with a stick as home repairs never seem to end. Junior did not seem happy, probably expecting a fresh meal.
It did not go hungry though as I saw it eating something out of sight. As the wind picked up, junior took advantage of it and tested its wings quite a bit, flapping and hopping up and down. It never gained any altitude but it clearly is getting itself ready for its first flight, likely in a month or so. It is currently about 2/3 the size of dad and growing very rapidly.