Relaxed Bald Eagle shows off one of its weapons

The talons on these creatures are nothing short of impressive. Getting a close look at them helps you understand why they are so effective – and deadly. When they are relaxed, eagles oftentimes will hold on to their perch with one talon then lift the other up and tuck it inside their feathers. Such was the case with this guy last month which is why you only see one. He didn’t give a hoot about me being there and was quite content and relaxed.

Bald Eagles are believed to have a grasp capable of exerting an astonishing 400psi. By comparison, the average human’s hand comes in around 20psi. Needless to say, when an eagle latches on to a rabbit, prairie dog or fish, the prey isn’t very likely to get away.

A close up look at one of the talons on a Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)
A close up look at one of the talons on a Bald Eagle. (© Tony’s Takes)

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