Cooper’s hawk keeps watch on the Sunday traffic

A Cooper's hawk keeps watch from a street light. (© Tony's Takes)
A Cooper’s hawk keeps watch from a street light. (© Tony’s Takes)

Kind of a fun encounter although the perch this raptor chose was less than ideal. I had just finished paying a visit to my local owls and was heading for home when I spotted this Cooper’s hawk on a light pole over a somewhat busy suburban street. While these guys are quite common, they are not commonly seen, preferring to hide out in the thick of trees, keeping watch and being ready to strike any unsuspecting prey. As a result, I don’t get to photograph them often so was happy for the opportunity, even if I wished it had chosen a better spot to hang out.

Cooper’s hawk keeps watch on the Sunday traffic
A Cooper’s hawk keeping watch from a suburban light pole. (© Tony’s Takes)
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