Cooper’s Hawk on watch

A relatively common raptor but not one that you normally get an opportunity to see. These small hawks are not ones to stay out in the open, preferring the interior of trees where they can stay hidden and ready to hit their prey.

This particular one was keeping close watch for a meal and in fact it did dive after a Northern Flicker, action which I unfortunately missed.

Cooper’s Hawks have proven to have adapted to urban and suburban life quite well and are probably the most common #raptors to be found in those types of areas. It isn’t unusual to hear stories about folks with bird feeders seeing one of these on their fence, ready to snatch one of the smaller birds as they come by for a meal.

Taken in Longmont, Colorado.

A Cooper's Hawk on the look out for a meal in Longmont, Colorado.
A Cooper’s Hawk on the look out for a meal in Longmont, Colorado.
A Cooper's Hawk on the look out for a meal in Longmont, Colorado.
A Cooper’s Hawk on the look out for a meal in Longmont, Colorado.

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