“Dad, there’s a Moose right there!”

A very fun encounter with this handsome fellow late last week in Arapaho National Forest. My family and I were riding ATVs on some old forest roads enjoying the gorgeous views and cool temperatures of the high country. At one point my son and I pulled over to wait for my wife and daughter to catch up.

Just as I turned off my ATV, I thought I heard the loud snap of a tree branch breaking but looking to my right, I wasn’t seeing anything. Then, my son said those words and I see he is looking the opposite way.

Sure enough, this big guy was not 30 feet off the road, calmly munching on some aspen trees. We see Moose in this area frequently so it wasn’t a surprise but it was fun to just happen to stop right by where this bull was.

I slowly got off my ATV and grabbed my camera from the storage box on the back and began taking pictures. Soon my wife and daughter arrived and we all just sat and watched him. The bull couldn’t have cared less about our presence as it continued to happily eat away while watching us watching him.

Have a great, Moose Monday!

A Moose bull keeps watch from a stand of aspen trees in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Moose bull keeps watch from a stand of aspen trees in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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