Dall sheep lamb takes a big leap
A dall sheep lamb jumps down a sheer rock face in Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)
A dall sheep lamb jumps down a sheer rock face in Alaska. (© Tony’s Takes)

Quite a brave little one!

Its mom was adeptly maneuvering the cliff faces of Windy Point on Alaska’s Turnagain Arm and the lamb had little choice but to follow. Hesitant at first to throw itself down 10+ feet of rock face, it finally did and handled with extraordinary aplomb.

Finding this herd was one of my goals on our trip up there and the ewes and lambs were numerous. We never did see any rams unfortunately.

They very much reminded me of their relatives from Colorado, Bighorn Sheep. These northern cousins look quite similar with the only notable difference being their white coats.

Dall sheep are only found in Alaska and western Canada. They are well adapted to deal with the harsh conditions these areas can experience and, clearly, are able to handle the rugged terrain they live in.

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