A very cute one for #SheepSunday.
This herd of dall sheep is a common attraction along the Turnagain Arm south of Anchorage, Alaska. They frequent the cliffs along the highway and are pretty easy to spot with those bright, white coats.
When we were there in July, we stopped a couple of times to check them out. They very much reminded me of Colorado’s bighorn sheep – they acted and looked similar but were white instead of the tan / brown of the bighorns.
For whatever reason, this lamb was pretty fascinated with the two-legged creatures below that had stopped to check it out and it gave me some nice poses while it stood on high.
Interesting tidbit… The Turnagain Arm gets its name from British explorer Captain Cook’s 1778 expedition. He was looking for the fabled Northwest Passage and was forced to ‘turn again’ when the inlet ended and didn’t contain a way through.