Dark morph Ferruginous Hawk showcases its amazing plumage

The fall chill that has recently hit Colorado has my mind wandering ahead to the coming winter and the types of wildlife that will soon be making appearances. Among those are these awesome raptors, the Ferruginous Hawk.

While they can be found here year-round, they are most common during the winter months. They are the largest buteos in North America and from a distance, their size and profile may have them mistaken for eagles.

Ferruginous Hawks are one of the most beautiful hawks you can every see but the dark morph variety here is somewhat rare and encounters with it that much more special. When sitting it appears to be entirely dark in color but when it spreads those wings, goodness, that is when it shines. The white under its wings contrast with the dark body and head and are absolutely gorgeous.

A beautiful dark morph Ferruginous Hawk takes to the blue skies of Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A beautiful dark morph Ferruginous Hawk takes to the blue skies of Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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