Down low and head on with a bison bull

Down low and head on with a bison bull
A bison bull walks head on with his head low. (© Tony’s Takes)

Yup, you probably don’t want to be in this big boy’s way when he decides to walk through. 😉

Kind of a fun, different angle of this big bison bull. Ideally, as a photographer, you like to be eye level with your subject but that isn’t usually possible when photographing the bison at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge.

Understandably, you have to remain in your vehicle and when shooting from a truck like mine, you are usually looking at least somewhat down at your subject. When I captured this shot a few weeks ago, the bull was coming up a hill toward the side of the road allowing for the perception that was down low and at the same level as him. That makes for a pretty cool capture.

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