If Monday were a form of wildlife, it might be this creature
A turkey vulture soars through the air while looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)

After a Monday like I had, I kind of feel like all that is left is for the turkey vultures to arrive and pick my bones clean. 😀 Hopefully your day was better.

As for this cool bird coming head on, this image was taken this past weekend. I haven’t seen too many turkey vultures this year so having a half dozen circle overhead was pretty exciting – even if a bit ominous. This one did land nearby in a some tall grass and pick at a carcass of something for a while but I never could get a clear view.

While they might not have the most handsome of faces, as one of Mother Nature’s garbage men, they perform a vital role for the ecosystem, helping to prevent the spread of disease from carcasses. That is fine by me – as long as it isn’t my carcass. 😉

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