Downy woodpecker pecking wood

A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony's Takes)
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fun, chance encounter with this cute red head this past weekend so let’s call it #WoodpeckerWednesday. As my friend and I were walking into an area open space, we heard the noise of a woodpecker at work and sure enough, this one was right nearby, going to work looking for a meal. You can even see debris flying in a few of the pictures as it went head-to-head with the tree branches. Kind of a fun encounter and proof that I do sometimes take pictures of ‘little birds.’

Downy woodpecker pecking wood
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony's Takes)
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony's Takes)
A downy woodpecker pecks a tree looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
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