A picture from a fantastic day on the Colorado plains a few weeks ago. This cool creature was hanging out watching the sun as it rose above the horizon and I was there taking its picture.

Deciding it was time to fly, the eagle launched into the air heading right into the golden light of the magic hour. I love the soft edge lighting from the sun and the beautiful blue skies with a hint of whispy clouds serve as a great background.

Unfortunately most of Bald Eagles in my area have moved north now for the season so encounters with them are going to be few and far between until the fall. Thankfully I have a ton of pictures like this to help tide me over but that doesn’t mean I am not anxiously awaiting their return.

A Bald Eagle flies toward the early morning sun on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle flies toward the early morning sun on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

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