Female Osprey brings home some trashy nesting material

They say one person’s trash is another’s treasure so I reckon it applies to birds and their nesting material as well. This beautiful Osprey had picked up some discarded paper and was returning it to her nest in Longmont, Colorado.

This image was taken back in April 2015 just as these raptors had returned to the state for the summer. Osprey spend their winters along Mexico’s coast and in South America. Summers see them migrate to the northwestern United States and much of Canada.

Here in Colorado we have seen a welcome increase in their summertime presence. This has been helped by the many manmade nesting sites that have been established for them along the Colorado Front Range and in the mountain areas. I am anxiously awaiting their seasonal return!

A female Osprey returns to her nest with some material to add to her home.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Osprey returns to her nest with some material to add to her home. (© Tony’s Takes)

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