Flight of freedom in honor of Veterans Day

President John Kennedy said, “A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers.”

A select few men and women have served in our nation’s armed forces and endured hardships that are impossible for others to imagine. They have done so with distinction and honor, preserving our freedom and shedding a light across the globe to help those in need. Today we honor them, remember them, and ensure that they will never be forgotten.

I thank all of my brothers and sisters in arms today for their service. It is an honor to have served this Great Nation with you and like you, I would do it again if called upon. God bless you all.

A Bald Eagle in flight in honor of Veterans Day. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle in flight in honor of Veterans Day. (© Tony’s Takes)

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