Freedom’s launch!

Freedom’s launch! Today is American Eagle Day and I sure can’t let that go by without sharing a picture of my favorite photo subject.

According to Time & Date, the day is “Celebrated annually on June 20, the observance commemorates the day in 1782, when the bird was added to the official Seal of the United States.” IMHO it sure is a whole lot better than the turkey that old Ben Franklin preferred. 😉

This particular Eagle is one of my favorite mated pair and has a nest southwest of Denver, Colorado. On this particular morning about a month ago, they were quite busy keeping their two eaglets happy.

A Bald Eagle launches into the air southeast of Denver, Colorado. A Bald Eagle launches into the air southeast of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle launches into the air southeast of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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