Having just woken up from a post-dawn nap, this pretty lady appeared to be looking for a meal. Her keen ears had picked up the sound of something under the snow but getting to it proved to be problematic.

A very cold night had frozen the top layer (notice how she is walking on top) and getting underneath was not easy. She pawed at it, even tried gnawing at it, all to no avail. In the end she decided it was too much work and moved on to find her breakfast elsewhere.

Taken at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado on January 16, 2016.

Coyotes are amazingly adaptable animals and have not been greatly impacted by human expansion. Here in the area I live, this has resulted in some human – coyote conflicts, mainly with the coyotes attacking domestic pets. They range across North America and some have even been seen into Central America and Panama.

A Coyote paws at the snow while looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote paws at the snow while looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote paws at the snow while looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Coyote gnaws at the snow while looking for a meal. (© Tony’s Takes)

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