“Go away! I’m not a turkey!”

Today’s photo excursion didn’t start out the best as we headed south of Denver looking for golden eagles and found nothing of much interest.  On the way back we see two bald eagles circling the South Platte River right by the highway.  We took a quick exit, found a place to park and went walking.  The pair had landed – not together unfortunately – and the male sat and posed for us for quite a while.  Here he looks a bit less than enthused at the intrusion though.  😉

Scroll down below the image for more shots from today including more of the eagle and coots, wood ducks and more.

A bald eagle on Thanksgiving seems to be reminding the photographer that he is not a turkey.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle on Thanksgiving seems to be reminding the photographer that he is not a turkey. (© Tony’s Takes)

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