Oh my, goodness! I so needed this photo encounter this past Sunday. I felt like I had been in a bit of a “photo funk” lately. With the virus I had been limiting where I was going for pictures and I was getting burnt out on photographing the same stuff over and over.
On this day I went to an area I frequent in Boulder County, Colorado and almost didn’t go to this particular spot as I hadn’t seen my golden friends in quite a while. I decided to give it a shot anyway and thank goodness I did.
When I arrived, the male was hanging out in their favorite tree and he gave me some good poses, a nice launch and a flyby. He then went and perched on a pole on a hillside they like so I followed. Soon after, his mate, pictured here, showed up!
She tried to knock him off his perch and when that didn’t work, gave a beautiful flyby and then landed on the pole nearest to me. Wow! My heart pounded with excitement at the opportunity and I furiously squeezed my camera trigger.
In the end, the pair gave me some fantastic shots over an hour’s timespan, some of the best golden eagle captures I have ever gotten. The encounter was just what I needed to shake off the cobwebs and renew my photographic soul. When they left for their home on the mountainside, I made sure to tell them, “thank you.”